Dress Code

Mariner High School adheres to The School District of Lee County Student Code of Conduct Dress Code and Dressing for Success.

The purpose of the dress code is to encourage students to focus on the learning process without the distractions of unsuitable dress and grooming, as well as developing good habits that will lead to “dressing for success” in college and career. A student who is dressed appropriately is demonstrating a respect for self and others, as well as contributing to a safe and orderly learning environment.

Students, please review The School District of Lee County Student Code of Conduct and pay close attention to these ten items that are the most common offenses in Student Affairs

  • Apparel shall be adequate in both length and coverage to be considered appropriate for school.
  • Spandex biker type shorts are prohibited.
  • Pants shall be fastened and at the waste with no undergarments showing.
  • Clothing that exposes underwear or body parts in an indecent or vulgar manner is prohibited.
  • Transparent or see-through tops, tops that bare midriff, strapless, lowcut clothing or tops and outfits that provide minimum coverage or are of a suggestive nature are prohibited; halters, backless dresses or tops, tube tops, tanks tops, muscles shirts or any other clothing which may be distracting is prohibited.
  • Shirts shall be appropriately fastened in accord with the design of the shirt.  The length shall extend beyond the waist level.
  • Students must wear shoes at all times that are safe and appropriate for the learning environment.
  • Apparel, emblems, insignias, badges or symbols that promote the use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco or any other illegal activity are prohibited.
  •  The wearing of hats, caps, headgear (including hoodies) is acceptable to be worn at the principal’s discretion.  However, all hats, caps, headgear must be removed upon entering the classroom as a show of respect to the teacher and preservation of the integrity of the educational environment.
  • The wearing of sunglasses is prohibited except for medical conditions or physical education classes held outside.
  • Blankets are prohibited.
  • Dress code violations may not be covered by outerwear (jackets, hoodies, etc.)
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