
Attendance (School Board Policy 4.16)

In an effort to ensure student learning through purposeful student engagement, students must be in school.  Attendance and graduation are an integral part of what we do at Mariner as it goes hand in hand with student achievement. As such we want to make sure that students have every opportunity for success at Mariner by being in attendance for instruction.  Our attendance policy outlines attendance expectations, privileges, tardies, skipping, and sign-outs. 

  • At 5 Excused/Unexcused Absences (30 calendar days) and/or 4 Tardies/Sign-Outs (30 calendar days) - An Attendance Letter will be sent  home via Focus and parent contact via School Messenger.
  •  At 7 Excused/Unexcused Absences (30 calendar days) and/or 4 Tardies/Sign-Outs (30 calendar days) - An Attendance Letter will be sent  home via Focus and parent contact via School Messenger.
  •  At 10 excused/Unexcused Absences (90 calendar days) and/or 9 Tardies/Sign-Outs (90 calendar days) -  An Academic Review meeting will be scheduled with the Assistant Principal in charge of Attendance.   During the Academic Review meeting, an attendance contract may be presented for signature by student and parent/guardian is put in place with administration. 

*We hold students accountable when they are in violation of the attendance policy by placing them on an attendance contract and taking away the following privileges: Homecoming Dance, Grad Bash, Prom, Parking Permit (student must remit parking pass until further notice), Senior Picnic/Breakfast, Extra-Curricular Activities, Walking at Graduation, Participation in Sports, Temp Placement, On-campus & school related off-campus activity.

*Students will be able to earn these privileges back with consecutive attendance to school, being on time for classes and limited sign-outs for 30 days. Each day the student is absent, the contract begins over with day 1.

Notes for excused absences must be turned into the Attendance Office immediately upon your student’s return to school.  Any notes not turned in promptly will not be processed.  Please note emails will not be accepted for excused absences.

All notes must be submitted on an 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper and contain the following information: Student Name, Student ID#, Printed Parent Name, Parent Signature. Parent Phone Number and Date(s) of Absence.

Students will bring home a copy of the attendance policy for parents/guardians to review.  


Students need a pass to class when arriving after the tardy bell. If student arrives after 7:15 am, they must sign-in at the front office and receive a pass to class. After three unexcused tardies, students will receive disciplinary action as follows:

• Each unexcused tardy to class is a disciplinary infraction.

• Starting with the 4th unexcused tardy, students will conference with Administration and parent contact is made.

• On the 6th unexcused tardy, students will receive After-Hours school detention.

• On the 9th unexcused tardy, students will receive After-Hours school detention.

Makeup Work

Students are expected to attend class regularly and to be on time in order to benefit the most from the instructional program. If students are absent from school or class, class work suffers unnecessarily and the professional efforts of the teachers to maintain high academic standards in the classroom are diminished. Opportunities for make-up work must be provided by the classroom teacher for excused absences. It is the responsibility of the students to request make-up work immediately upon their return from an excused absence. 

All students shall be given the opportunity to make up tests and submit assignments upon returning to school after an excused absence.  Immediately upon return to school from an absence, the student shall be given the number of days missed plus one additional day to submit the make-up work for full credit. Absences longer than one week should be given special consideration.

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